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2024 Primary Election
Primary absentee ballots have been mailed out.
Civil Beat has good coverage of the candidates, including their Q&A for office seekers.  You can search for the candidates answers (if they responded) on this page:

I’ll be posting some excerpts as time permits.


3. Do you support the construction of the TMT atop Mauna Kea? Why or Why not? Could the new management structure help to resolve long-standing disputes?

I could support the construction of the Thirty-Meter-Telescope and other responsible astronomical development atop Mauna Kea. I also think that the new management structure could certainly contribute to resolving long-standing disputes. OHA should be playing a bigger role in that. However, I believe the existing TMT model hasn’t quite reached the level of responsible astronomical development that I’m comfortable with, nor should we, as a state, accept.

To me, responsible astronomical development (and development, generally) means that, at the very least, there will be equity in the give-and-take of our shared public resources — especially those resources that are deemed to be among the most sacred by long-standing Native Hawaiian cultural practitioners.

TMT could serve as not only a tool to advance western astronomy, but also Native Hawaiian traditional astronomy. TMT could serve as a hub for cultural practitioners stewarding the summit. TMT could also contribute to greater economic development by establishing workforce pipelines that provide youth with scholarships to degree programs in astronomy (and Native Hawaiian cultural) related disciplines as well as guaranteed jobs upon graduation. TMT could serve as a model responsible astronomical development and I strongly support that.

3. Do you support the construction of the TMT atop Mauna Kea? Why or why not? Could the new management structure help to resolve long-standing disputes?

Never. Sacred ground has been violated for decades. We will go up again to protect sacred lake, plants, aina, chanting sites.

3. Do you support the construction of the TMT atop Mauna Kea? Why or why not? Could the new management structure help to resolve long-standing disputes?

No, I do not support the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope.

The state has a constitutional duty to protect its natural and cultural resources for present and future generations. As Justice Michael Wilson’s Nov. 30, 2018, dissent highlights, the TMT violates the constitutional and statutory protections afforded to natural resources in the state’s conservation district. This project contravenes the Hawaii Public Trust Doctrine, the Hawaii Constitution, and laws concerning conservation land, specifically HRS Chapter 183C.

The TMT will cause significant, adverse impacts to the existing natural and cultural resources on the proposed project site. Mauna Kea holds immense cultural and spiritual importance for Native Hawaiians, and its conservation status should be respected. No amount of compensation, mitigation or economic benefit can legally justify the irreversible damage that would be caused.

The state’s duty to protect Mauna Kea’s natural and cultural resources for future generations outweighs any potential economic benefits. Preserving Mauna Kea’s integrity is crucial for respecting Native Hawaiian cultural heritage and ensuring the protection of this sacred site.

The new Mauna Kea Stewardship and Oversight Authority could potentially help resolve long-standing disputes if it prioritizes the protection of cultural sites and genuinely involves Native Hawaiian voices in decision-making processes.

Hulali Waltjen-Kuilipule
Did not respond

Alapa, Luana
3. Do you support the construction of the TMT atop Mauna Kea? Why or why not? Could the new management structure help to resolve long-standing disputes?

Our primary focus should be on ensuring that pono management of the mauna is the highest priority. The state must fulfill its obligations to preserve and protect the environment and cultural heritage of the mauna. Although a new management structure is in place, it does not mean all issues are resolved. OHA’s lawsuit with the state must be addressed before we can move forward on these matters.

As we advance in science and technology in the 21st century, we must continue exploring the heavens, honoring our ancestors who were master navigators using the stars and ocean tides to find their way to land. Renewable energy resources on all ceded lands currently receive a tiny fraction of their value. The state must ensure that royalties from renewable energy are considered, rather than allowing the private sector, such as HECO, to reap the majority of the profits.

Haliniak, Gayla
Did not respond

Langford-Faborito, Lu Ann
3. Do you support the construction of the TMT atop Mauna Kea? Why or why not? Could the new management structure help to resolve long-standing disputes?
No, prior management of the facilities proved the mismanagement of a sacred place to Native Hawaiians.I have confidence in the Mauna Kea Stewardship Oversight Authority.

Nihipali, R. Kunani
3. Do you support the construction of the TMT atop Mauna Kea? Why or why not? Could the new management structure help to resolve long-standing disputes?

Aole. It’s been long established in recent demonstrations, history that mauna is a wahipana and and there are other venues that are less contentious, cheaper to build that can fulfill the needs of those who desire to persist on pursuing a telescope there.There are many issues that thus far the present commission or actions have not resolved and until amiable solutions are resolved, aole pono.

Ahi Isa, Lei
Did not respond

Akina, Keli’i
3. Do you support the construction of the TMT atop Mauna Kea? Why or why not? Could the new management structure help to resolve long-standing disputes?

I support the pono management and protection of Mauna Kea as well as the construction of the TMT. Like many Hawaiians, including Hōkūleʻa navigators, I believe that there is room on the Mauna for both culture and science. These are each important Hawaiian values.
A respectfully maintained Mauna Kea and scientific discovery hold the promise of cultural, economic and educational benefits for Native Hawaiians and all people of Hawaii. However, before TMT development can go forward, a collaborative effort between OHA and the State of Hawaii is needed to provide proper stewardship.
The new management structure could help resolve long-standing disputes. However, most recently, OHA filed a lawsuit to repeal the Mauna Kea Stewardship and Oversight Authority because OHA claims that the MKSOA is unconstitutional. This is a major indicator that OHA and the State of Hawaii must finally settle long-standing disputes and work together to malama the aina.

Apo, Peter

[b]3. Do you support the construction of the TMT atop Mauna Kea? Why or why not?[/b] [b]Could the new management structure help to resolve long-standing disputes[/b]?
Yes, I support the TMT, which is no longer proposed “atop Mauna Kea.” It was moved to a lower slope absent any sacred sites to avoid the cultural complaint that “any intrusion in the airspace above the summit is a cultural injury.”
There has been no validating body of authority to rule on such a cultural claim since the demise of the Hawaiian “priesthood” after the Battle of Kuamo’o in 1819. A second claim is any digging into the mountain is a cultural injury. How can that be when Hawaiians for centuries maintained a deep rock quarry to mine the best stone for tools and weapons?
Mauna Kea erupted into a network of issues. A complex of 13 telescopes by UH with no end in sight. Hawaiians are merging the TMT issue with the unreconciled overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom in 1893.
I support the TMT because studying the universe of stars is a sacred Hawaiian cultural practice supported by the chant history and archaeological research. Hawaiian star gazers sat on mountain tops for centuries observing star patterns. The new management structure has a great opportunity to create a body politic or system of reviewing claims and ruling on their legitimacy.
News we can use.  Thanks Edge.
Iʻm curious about peoplesʻ pereferences for our mayoral candidates. Iʻm only taking three seriously, Mitch, Kimo Alameda and Breeani Kobayashi. Thoughts?
Certainty will be the death of us.
Why Tupaʻi?
Certainty will be the death of us.
(07-30-2024, 12:59 AM)kalianna Wrote: Why Tupaʻi?
My position would be for Roth. Solely because of his position on TMT.

That being said, Kobayashi could be the jolt the Big Island needs - but is against TMT period.

I think the rest are just not really capable of doing the job, in my opinion.

Having said all that, I would say that ANY candidate, regardless of political party affiliation, who publicly denies the results of ANY election should not be allowed to run for any office whatsoever.
Roth is gonna lose, because he is denying county workers' hazard pay for covid. Lots of families with a county worker...
(07-30-2024, 08:40 AM)randomq Wrote: Roth is gonna lose, because he is denying county workers' hazard pay for covid. Lots of families with a county worker...
I agree. Unions are all behind Kimo now. I’ve personally received an email from the union as a former state worker telling me Kimo is who they back and everyone should be voting for. I personally will not be voting for him but think he’ll be hard to beat if all the unions are backing him.
The mayoral runoff this November will be between Mitch Roth & Kimo Alameda.  The primary had the lowest voter turnout since statehood.

Roth has been citing this year’s Point in Time count of homelessness in Hawaii County as a key accomplishment for his administration because it showed a 28% decrease in homeless persons on the island in the past year
He also cites improvements in the county’s historically inefficient process for issuing building permits as well as its record of paving more than 70 miles of roads since 2020. He also contends his administration has made significant progress in increasing the supply of affordable housing in the county.

Alameda counters that a county initiative to pump millions of dollars in additional county funding into programs for the homeless — which many believe helped lower the homeless headcount — actually originated with the Hawaii County Council.
He has also questioned whether the Roth administration’s changes in the building permitting process have been as successful as Roth suggests.
On the hot-button issue of the Thirty Meter Telescope, Roth has said the project should be built, while Alameda and his family protested against the TMT in 2019. However, Alameda said things have changed in recent years, and he may be open to the project if the community agrees, if certain conditions are met, and if the project is “done with integrity.”

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