Thanks - the extra details are very helpful!
Professional Bull Riders (PBR) is actually split across several services - CBS, TUDN, PlutoTV, and Merit Street. So you may be able to get some PBR content on CBS or CBS Sports via Spectrum or Spectrum On Demand (don't have Spectrum so I can't help there).
However, it also looks like Merit Street has some of their PBR content On Demand on Merit+.
You'll need to Sign Up for an account - just an email and password, then click the Sports link at the top of the page.
Looks like whole days are available - e.g. 2024 Duluth Day One
PlutoTV is also free, has a whole PBR Channel, including coverage for some of the upcoming events. (no login required)
PlutoTV also has some On Demand PBR content such as:
If you're still not finding the PBR events you're after, then you'll want to look at OBS or another screen capturing software to record the live streams, but nine hours of video will take up a lot of hard drive space (~20 gigs roughly depending on settings) so there are some technical challenges involved with recording such large amounts of content.
Hope that helps - let us know how it goes or if there is something specific you're after but not able to find.