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Question for Rob on current PunaWeb hopes & expectations
(08-04-2024, 08:16 PM)MyManao Wrote:
(08-04-2024, 07:56 PM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote:  Unfortunately they know where to find me, fortunately they were joking.  I hope!

Yeah, as Roger Waters put it, the bravery of being out of range. I like the sharing, the memories, but damn the need for others to shit on every word said is getting so old. Hopefully those folks you encountered were, as you say, joking. Can you imagine if someone as rabid as Julie knew where we lived?

“Shit on every word…”

And yet you accuse one of the most honorable men on this island of using me for sexual favors?

While at the same time claiming that you don’t drink alcohol and can’t even remember a post you made a few days ago about buying a six pack of every beer Safeway had to have a beer drinking party?

As for the term “shit” look into the mirror. You’re so full of it.
(08-04-2024, 08:28 PM)HiloJulie Wrote: Your so full of it..

Blah blah blah, eh, Julie. 

I am amazed that this is how you think a human being should act. Simply amazing.
(08-04-2024, 08:35 PM)MyManao Wrote:
(08-04-2024, 08:28 PM)HiloJulie Wrote: Your so full of it..

Blah blah blah, eh, Julie. 

I am amazed that this is how you think a human being should act. Simply amazing.

Im not the one calling a woman a “bitch” or “barking” or implying that Harry Kim used women for sexual favors. 

That’s you. I’m fine with acting the way I do. You, on the other hand, are quite the misogynist pig. I guess maybe you could finally figure out why you’re the life long “INCEL” you have always been?
It's a foreword BTW, not a forward.

Thanks for the correction.
I’ve never written a book, but I do read a lot of books.  If the subject matter is something I’m especially interested in, I have to admit I often skip over the foreword, acknowledgments, etc, so it’s not something I pay close attention to. 
If I ever do write a book, I’ll make sure I get a good editor!
Iʻll echo Chunksterʻs sentiments about removing this thread. Again. Please, Ironyak. The argument that the thread needs to live "in the archives" posited by some of our more... uh... "intellectual" posters is baloney. Only use for this thread is for people to refer back to arguments here for the next go-round of lets bash those who donʻt want to out themselves on an anonymous little social media site. Put this out of its misery.
Certainty will be the death of us.
Only use for this thread

If you don’t personally find the thread has any value, maybe just ignore it?  After all, you have to physically and intentionally click the thread title to read the comments, right?
(08-04-2024, 08:51 PM)kalianna Wrote: Iʻll echo Chunksterʻs sentiments about removing this thread.  Again.  Please, Ironyak.  The argument that the thread needs to live "in the archives" posited by some of our more... uh... "intellectual" posters is baloney.  Only use for this thread is for people to refer back to arguments here for the next go-round of lets bash those who donʻt want to out themselves on an anonymous little social media site.  Put this out of its misery.

I’ll have to agree with kalianna 100%. 

Regardless of what has been said on this thread, when some of the so called “intellectual posters” call a woman a “bitch” who is “barking” as well as claiming that one of Hawaii’s most humble and respected and honorable men of using women for sexual favors during a catastrophic lava flow, shows there really isn’t any “intelligent” reason why this thread should exist. 

Count me out of this one now. The piece of human shit and misogynist pig has shown his true colors. 

The rest of you “intellectual posters” can carry on with this absolute piece of human garbage. 

Julie out.
(08-04-2024, 08:45 PM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote: I have to admit I often skip over the foreword, acknowledgments, etc..

I too, but then I get back to them..

What I wrote in the foreword of my Kalapana book was heartfelt, it was something that came out on its own, just flowed, so I added it to the manuscript when I turned it in, and like I said the editors gave it the title, the placement, of a foreword. So I look at what others put in that space.. as a clue to something, the point of view of.. their attitude.. the feelings..

That book was a trip. I never thought I'd do something about people. Being up at the vent was one thing, following the lava into Kalapana another.. and that first line.. Love is an amazing thing. Not "fallen" into other than naturally and surely by no design of its own.. really set the stage for what I saw as a testament for the town that could not be destroyed by any force.. 

Btw, Aloha O, as it's used in that context, means forever...
kalianna - Iʻll echo Chunksterʻs sentiments about removing this thread.

Hey kalianna - while I understand and appreciate your and Chunkster's disapproval of some of the goings on here, these same sorts of arguments have been happening on many other threads as well. It's not like if this thread was gone everyone would use the Bicker Board instead or play nice elsewhere (as you know quite well from your attempts to try and wrangle this circus and its monkeys :)

I guess I view this thread as a honest "warts and all" reflection of the state of PunaWeb, good and bad, just concentrated down instead of spread throughout every other topic. If anyone doesn't want to read this redux of PunaWeb and its personalities, and what it has been vs. what it is now, with the implied question as to what would it take for improvements to be possible, then probably best to skip the thread entirely (but given some posters' behavior, you may not be safe elsewhere either ;)
disapproval of some of the goings on here

While we don’t have a movie rating system at Punaweb (G, PG, R, X) or a cover charge for threads with or without a bouncer, we do have emojis to let people know what you think of their comments.  If you decide you want to read them.

It’s fast, it’s easy, maybe occasionally they’ll get the hint?


(I just discovered there’s a two emoji maximum.  Who knew?)

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