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Hannah Kobayashi - Self Entitled (Insert Desired Term)
I have followed this case closely and came to this conclusion very early, but now its confirmed.

"Hannah Kobayashi found safe more than a month after her disappearance, family says"

Hannah Kobayashi found safe, family says

I don't care what anyone wants to do. If you want to just disappear and do whatever it is you want to do - fine - go do it. 

When family is left guessing, unknowing, concerned - which IMHO is the self-entitlement part of my issue that is a terrible thing to do to them - but my core issue is the sheer volume of resources simply wasted on some self-entitled grown adult wanting to intentionally run away.

To be clear, I am not discussing what a spoiled brat pre/teenager does when mom takes his/her iPad away and runs away, I am talking about a fully grown, supposedly mature adult here.

And if just leaving everyone/everything is your bag - go do it. For under 500 bucks, you can scribe out your "manifesto," put it into a sealed envelope and hire an attorney who will swear under oath that it was you who retained him under your own free will - and will then deliver your manifesto to whomever you desire so they know what is going on.

In this case, she should be held liable for all costs incurred by all agencies involved and all countries involved - which I am pretty sure is a staggering amount.

Sometimes, boxes of rocks are indeed smarter!
Not to mention her father traveled from Maui to LA to search for her, but then jumped off a parking garage.  Layers of tragedy.  
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Another good point HOTPE.

In addition to a senseless death, the family's strife over having to deal with that on top of not knowing what happened to her at that time, plus the obvious psychological trauma the person(s) finding the body now have to deal with, plus, even though highly trained to deal with dead bodies, but one can't help but think the first responders - police - paramedics - coroner's office et al - - has to have a little bit of psychological trauma for them too.

The list goes on.

And all because a self-entitled fully grown little brat who never learned anything except the ME ME ME mentality.

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