01-16-2010, 07:53 AM
The Puna Community Development Plan (PCDP) has several items in it which would, or could, spur economic development in Puna. A major problem is that Puna is starved for zoning. Basically Puna is a hugh swath of AG zoning with a smattering of commercial spot zoning in the villages.
Village Centers are intended to guide development of commercial, multi-family housing and light industrial (business parks). One proposal which would help smooth the path for investment is "floating zones". Floating zones would indicate an area in which a number of mixed uses would be encouraged. This would guide investors in selecting locations for their projects and assure them an easier path to approval than randomly selecting any one of numerous AG parcels and applying for rezoning.
Unfortunately the Floating Zone" concept is proposed for elimination by J. Yoshimoto's Bill 194 which contains 83 proposed amendments to the PCDP. I will say though that J. Yoshimoto has recently shown a willingness to discuss the issue so we have hope that rational compromises can be achieved.
Village Centers are intended to guide development of commercial, multi-family housing and light industrial (business parks). One proposal which would help smooth the path for investment is "floating zones". Floating zones would indicate an area in which a number of mixed uses would be encouraged. This would guide investors in selecting locations for their projects and assure them an easier path to approval than randomly selecting any one of numerous AG parcels and applying for rezoning.
Unfortunately the Floating Zone" concept is proposed for elimination by J. Yoshimoto's Bill 194 which contains 83 proposed amendments to the PCDP. I will say though that J. Yoshimoto has recently shown a willingness to discuss the issue so we have hope that rational compromises can be achieved.
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