09-02-2010, 05:39 PM
I'm with Kathy this time. I shorten everybody's name to suit my pleasure. Usually grab the front bit. So yeah, a Wao for one would be a Wao for the other, and if you guys think it's some subterranean subterfuge to secretly include the both of you in my rant, well, whatever. Who cares? Kathy knows what she meant. I know what I mean. Tom knows what he means, mdd knows... Well, you get the idea. (Notice my shortening of everyone's name, as I please, willy nilly, without even asking how y'all would prefer I do it.) I also think y'all are ganging up on ol' Kath. I've locked horns with her before, so don't go thinking I just naturally side with her (I don't) but I think a lot of what Wao (girl) has to say on the subject of what everyone means when they write what they say without thinking what they think before singing about what the other guy called them that didn't seem too nice (I mean, really, was this thread ever actually about anything?) is all about strenuously pointing out to us all just how different her opinions are from her partner (Wao boy) but she always gives him a wide latitude with regard to those different opinions while taking to task everybody else on this thread who stands even remotely opposed to him. So wise up everybody, and agree with Wao boy in toto, or else face the wrath of Wao girl, (who does not necessarily agree with him, and has her own opinions, thank you)... seriously, it's like tag team wrestling. The rest of us don't stand a chance...