09-10-2010, 09:45 AM
Resort developments are intended to satisfy the needs and desires of both visitors and residents. Such areas have basic amenities and attributes [which] that support visitor accommodations and related facilities. [Another factor of major importance is the recreational facilities available to visitors.]
[Resort development sites generally have a harmonious combination of both the built environment, including buildings and landscaping, and the physical environment such as climate, specific site characteristics and scenery.] Most successful resort areas have a harmonious combination of certain characteristics, such as climate, scenery, and/or man-made facilities. In most instances, the [elements of the physical environment provide] natural factors have been the basis for the development of an area[.] and the man-made facilities were designed to enhance the area. Buildings and landscaping are generally designed to enhance the site and area. In other cases, [the features of the built environment] man-made features enhance what may be considered undistinguished physical features.
[Most resorts are planned and developed to compete for the visitor market that prefers to stay at a single place for several days to several weeks. Sufficient activities and interests within the immediate resort area are necessary to accommodate the visitors to these resort complexes.]
The visitor industry is generally regarded as the primary catalyst of economic and population growth throughout the State and particularly the Neighbor Islands. The visitor industry is the driving force of the economy for the State of Hawaii and contributes $14.6 billion of economic activity, employs nearly 180,000 people, accounts for 28 per cent of statewide tax revenues, and contributes nearly 28 per cent of the Gross State Product.
In 1969, the County of Hawaii had 677 acres zoned for resort use [, of which 357 acres were still undeveloped]. By 1985, the zoned acreage had increased to 793 acres [, of which 473 acres were not utilized]. The total acreage zoned for resort use in 2000 was approximately 1,353 acres.
The County's existing primary resort centers [on the island] are located along the coastal areas of Hilo in East Hawaii, and North Kona and South Kohala in West Hawaii. The majority of future resort [development should be expected to be in these same coastal areas with secondary centers of development being in the southern and northern quadrants of the County. The North Kona coastal area between Keauhou and Kaupulehu is attracting considerable interest for new resort projects. This is to be expected given the area's physical attributes and proximity to the Keahole airport, the Queen Kaahumanu Highway and the existing West Hawaii communities.] developments are proposed in the North Kona and South Kohala districts.
• Maintain an orderly development of the visitor industry.
• Provide for resort development that maximizes conveniences to its users and optimizes the benefits derived by the residents of the County.
• Ensure that resort developments maintain the cultural and historic, social, economic, and physical environments of Hawaii and its people.
• The County may impose incremental and conditional zoning [which] that would be based on performance requirements.
• Promote and encourage the rehabilitation and the optimum utilization of resort areas [which] that are presently serviced by basic facilities and utilities
• Lands currently designated Resort should be utilized before new resorts are allowed in undeveloped coastal areas.
• Zoning of resort areas shall be granted when the proposed development is consistent with and incorporates the stated goals, policies and standards of the General Plan.
• [The County shall continue] Continue to seek funds from the State Capital Improvement Program to help develop visitor destination areas in accordance with the County's General Plan.
• [The County shall designate] Designate and allocate future resort areas in appropriate proportions and in keeping with the social, economic, and physical environments of the County.
• [The County shall evaluate] Evaluate resort areas and the areas surrounding existing resorts to insure that viable quality resorts are developed and that the surrounding area contributes to the quality, ambience and character of the existing resorts.
• [The County shall evaluate] Encourage the visitor industry to provide resort facilities [which] that offer an educational experience of Hawaii as well as recreational activities.
• Coastal resort developments shall provide public access to and parking for beach and shoreline areas.
• [The County shall re-evaluate] Re-evaluate existing undeveloped resort designated and/or zoned areas and reallocate [resort designated and/or zoned] these lands in appropriate locations.
[• The concept of a "floating zone" shall be used to allow for the future development of retreat resort areas.]
• Require developers to provide the basic infrastructure necessary for development.
The following established standards shall guide the development of resort areas.
[Destination Resort Community
A destination resort is a self contained resort destination area which provides basic and support facilities for both the needs of the entire development and the surrounding regional area. Such facilities shall include employee housing, recreational facilities, regional civic center facilities, other community facilities serving the region. Basic infrastructure needs such as water, sewer and roads for the entire development shall be provided.
The designation of any destination resort community shall be established through a formal General Plan Amendment accompanied by an Environmental Impact Statement.
Maximum hotel and condominium hotel units: to be determined in conjunction with the adoption of a master plan for the destination resort community's zoning.
Resort Acreage: to be determined in conjunction with the adoption of a master plan for the destination resort community's zoning.
Active and passive recreation area: to be determined in conjunction with the adoption of a master plan for the destination resort community's zoning.
Residential acreage: acreage shall include areas for employee housing and/or affordable housing and shall be determined in conjunction with the adoption of a master plan for the destination resort community's zoning.
The required employee housing ratio and method of provision shall be determined by an analysis of housing needs of each district or relative area and with the adoption of the resort zoning; provided that the ratio shall not exceed one employee unit for every two hotel units built.]
• Major Resort Area
A major resort area is a self-contained resort destination area [which] that provides basic and support facilities for the needs of the entire development. Such facilities shall include sewer, water, roads, employee housing and recreational facilities, etc. A major resort area is designated as a Resort node or part of a Resort node on the Land Use Pattern Allocation Guide Map.
Maximum [hotel and condominium hotel] visitor units: 3,000 [rooms.] units.
Resort acreage: 90 acres minimum.
Active and passive recreation areas: 50 acres minimum.
Either participate in an off-site housing program or a maximum of 640 acres for residential use when other zoned lands are not available in close proximity for support use.