10-30-2010, 05:51 AM
Don't know why anyone would need a 20K generator sucking down 2.5 gallons of fuel every hour. But to each their own.
Hawaii, don't need AC, Don't need Heat, most of the time got a small fridge with freezer on top should be sufficient with an ice maker. You could run that off a small honda 2000 watt that can run (20 hours on a gal of gas) tho if your using it on a load your looking at probably 10+ hours. Max AC Output 2000W (16.6A) Rated @ (60Hz) 120V 1600W (13.3A) Should be enough juice to turn any compressor in a refrigerator. Would be ideal for solar since you'd just want it for heavy cloud cover and keeping the batteries topped off.
Hawaii, don't need AC, Don't need Heat, most of the time got a small fridge with freezer on top should be sufficient with an ice maker. You could run that off a small honda 2000 watt that can run (20 hours on a gal of gas) tho if your using it on a load your looking at probably 10+ hours. Max AC Output 2000W (16.6A) Rated @ (60Hz) 120V 1600W (13.3A) Should be enough juice to turn any compressor in a refrigerator. Would be ideal for solar since you'd just want it for heavy cloud cover and keeping the batteries topped off.