11-24-2010, 04:20 PM
peteadams asked for realistic alternatives to the current situation. A valid request, imho, though at first, perhaps in part because of how it was phrased, I misinterpreted the challenge as merely an attempt to silence complaints and so to kill discussion.
Does it seem realistic to attempt to return to pre-11SEP2001 searchless flying? I can only think of one way the public would (or should) actually go for this (and will comment on that way at the end of this post). Otherwise, realistically, the security theater which we have funded so richly via tax money and airport fees going to the TSA has certainly done its job to the extent the public at large would probably not go for simply just eliminating all screening completely.
I'd prefer having concealed carry of handguns onto jets for every citizen licensed to do so, over the current security theater. Is this realistic as an alternative? Not even remotely -which is why I did not mention an armed and self-reliant citizenry as an option in my reply to peteadams.
Here is, however, a realistic alternative:
Why They Don’t Need To ‘Touch Your Junk’ At Israeli Airports
by Jeff Dunetz
Instead of the less-than-ideal though realistic alternative described by Dunetz, it is possible we could eventually go back not just to pre-11SEP2001 days but all the way back to the glamor days of minimal screening and fun PanAm pampering by mod stewardesses in miniskirts if only we were willing to make a couple straightforward choices. (Well, we personally might not live to see it, but our kids or grandkids could enjoy a return to stroll-onboard-without-a-care fun flying; it would take awhile to shift things to the point that is realistic again.) The first step is asking and discussing the question "Why does anyone want to commit terrorist actions against America, anyway?" The second step, as I see it, is as per Ben's suggestion (no, not Ben Franklin, though he probably gives good advice which is just as applicable on this topic; rather, Ben of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream), as illustrated with Oreo cookies:
Changing the world such that America is loved again instead of hated, this would accomplish the ultimate goal in the long term and broader view of things. Then we could dispense with much of the screening.
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Baby Hummingbird
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Astonishing skill! This archer is a real-life Legolas and then some!
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Astonishing skill! This archer is a real-life Legolas and then some!
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