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Salt Tolerant and Fast Growing Trees?
I don't know if you've considered clumping bamboo. I love it.

Quindembo's catalogue lists a few species as salt spray tolerant.

Otatea acuminata aztecorum - Mexican weeping bamboo
HT: 15-20 / 1½" CANES
Tolerates both sea spray and periods of dryness.

Dendrocalamus membranaceous
HT: 40-50 / 4" CANES
SPECTACULARLY QUICK GROWTH. This is a great choice for instant gratification.A plant of this species was planted at the National Tropical Botanical Garden on Kauai, across the street from the ocean, and is doing very well in that location; not showing any burn from the ocean spray.

Bambusa multiplex Alphonse-Karr - Chinese hedge bamboo
HT: 20-25 / 1½" CANES
Takes any condition, even high winds and sea salt.

Alphonse Karr is a lovely bamboo, yellow with pink and green vertical stripes. Photo:

The Mexican weeping is a slighter plant.

The dendrocalamus is a giant bamboo, and grows super fast. I've grown a different species of dendrocalamus twice now (d. brandessii, and both times it reached 20 feet in a year, from a 2 foot tall plant. However, it's not drought tolerant, in case you're in a dry spot.

Here's the bamboo catalog. The owners are very capable of suggesting the perfect bamboo for a site.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Salt Tolerant and Fast Growing Trees? - by missydog1 - 12-20-2010, 04:44 PM
RE: Salt Tolerant and Fast Growing Trees? - by missydog1 - 12-20-2010, 04:50 PM
RE: Salt Tolerant and Fast Growing Trees? - by missydog1 - 12-30-2010, 02:55 PM

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