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Public Input, SB472, SD1, $1,000 Cannabis Fines
I just spoke with Russell's office, re. cannabis legislation that contains a "poison pill", legalizing $1,000.00 fines for Hawaii's people having any amount of cannabis, under an ounce.

His office recommended that people contact Karl Rhoads and ask that the bill be re-heard, so that additional public input (hopefully demanding the poison pill be removed), may be received.

Here's the email from Senator Ruderman's office.

"Thank you for calling the office of Senator Russell E. Ruderman today.

Per our conversation, here is more information on SB472, SD1, relating to marijuana:

· Status on 3/14/13 the bill was rereferred (a stalling tactic) to the House Judiciary Committee (JUD). If JUD does not hear this bill again by April 4th, the bill will die for this year.

· To urge amendments or further action, please contact the chair of JUD:

Karl Rhoads
House District 29
Hawaii State Capitol, Room 302
phone: 808-586-6180
fax: 808-586-6189

If you haven’t already, we encourage you to get involved in the legislative process by:

1) Register on

2) Track bills and subscribe to hearing notices you are interested in. More information on how to do this please visit

3) Submit testimony on legislation online or email your testimony directly to the committee using the list of email addresses here In order to submit testimony through the online system, the measure which you wish to submit testimony for must currently be scheduled for a hearing and formally referred to a committee. "

Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."

Messages In This Thread
Public Input, SB472, SD1, $1,000 Cannabis Fines - by LeeE - 03-27-2013, 11:44 AM

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