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Another bad "organization"/cult here in Puna.
You expressed - "I certainly didn't notice anything about being "held against their will"."
From the first link I provided.
Scinto expresses to the Sheriff - ""He told me that if I left," wrote Scinto, "I would be causing harm to the other participants. I told him that I did not care. I told him to get my stuff so that I could leave. He said that if I left they would kill...(I was) convinced that if I ran they would catch me. At this point I feared for my life.""

It appears you missed that part Rob.

Aside from this citation there are others and the group has already been to court on several occasions and settled out of court in the cited case. Scintos death has not been solved. No print on the gun next to him and the same applies to several other new MKP members who were found dead.

I think what your missing here Rob is this... the type of "training" they are engaged in is both psychological and physical shock very similar to what was practiced at Abu Ghraib prison. The psychological aspects involved are not comparative to Boy Scout training and drawing that comparative is ludicrous had you truly read the content in the links.

After reading your reply to me about this, I've got to wonder, comparing a heads up about the MKP to complaints about the Boy Scouts (Are you serious Rob?)... Are you involved with the MKP; I ask that because your reply certainly sounds fishy.

E ho'a'o no i pau kuhihewa.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Another bad "organization"/cult here in Puna. - by Wao nahele kane - 03-04-2011, 07:04 PM
RE: Another bad "organization"/cult here in Puna. - by dmbwest - 03-06-2011, 06:07 AM

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