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Another bad "organization"/cult here in Puna.

Here's a link re. Edward Bernaise, father of modern propaganda/brainwashing. Ask an NLP practitioner about the science of brainwashing.

Speaking of which, are there any certified NLP practitioners out here? Great stuff. Back in the day I had a couple of sessions with the guys who developed it. Miraculous.

Here's the piece by Mr. Bernaise


"...This is the main manual of the public relations industry. Bernays is kind of the guru. He was an authentic Roosevelt/Kennedy liberal. He also engineered the public relations effort behind the U.S.-backed coup which overthrew the democratic government of Guatemala.

His major coup, the one that really propelled him into fame in the late 1920s, was getting women to smoke. Women didn't smoke in those days and he ran huge campaigns for Chesterfield. You know all the techniques—models and movie stars with cigarettes coming out of their mouths and that kind of thing. He got enormous praise for that. So he became a leading figure of the industry, and his book was the real manual.

—Noam Chomsky

(From Chomsky's "What Makes Mainstream Media
Mainstream": a talk at Z Media Institute, June 1997)"

Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."

Messages In This Thread
RE: Another bad "organization"/cult here in Puna. - by dmbwest - 03-06-2011, 06:07 AM
RE: Another bad "organization"/cult here in Puna. - by LeeE - 03-08-2011, 10:32 AM

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