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"Super Simple Guide for Hawaiian Gardens"

Great topic! We enjoyed Barabara's talk to our vireya group a few years ago.

One of our favorite books on native plants is Growing Hawai'i's Native Plants by Kerin E. Lilleeng-Roseberger. Lots of good info and clearly written. Also recently picked up a good one at the Amy Greenwell -- Amy Greenwell Garden Ethnobotanical Guide to native Hawaiian Plant & Polynesian-Introduced Plants by Noa kekuewa Lincoln.

That said, no one book tells it all, and we've got probably a full shelf of books about gardening in Hawai'i and the tropics. Mushrooms, ferns, bamboo, native plants, medicinals, lei, tropical ornamentals, etc...

Jane Adams
White Cloud Nursery

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RE: "Super Simple Guide for Hawaiian Gardens" - by janeadams - 03-20-2011, 06:57 AM

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