03-25-2011, 11:17 AM
Didn't realize it was King Kamehameha day.
Actually it is Prince Kuhio Day -- Kamehameha Day is June 11th, but same effect.
makuu, the wine prices are about the same ... I was hoping for some bargains that were a little better, and no such luck, but neither were they worse than before. I don't buy liquor (other than my Bailey's fix every so often), so I didn't notice that. Safeway has never been known for good liquor prices like Longs has.
Gee, I saw the Starbucks sign, but there were so many people inside that I never found the Starbucks! I wonder if the samples are only for opening weekend ... would be nice if they kept it up. I actually bought some NY strip steak after tasting the sample. It was that good and tender. I almost never buy steak, so the sample got them a sale. It was only 4.99 a pound club price.