03-31-2011, 10:30 AM
A bit late to the party. I was talking to an old timer at the checkout Hilo Hattie a few years ago, it was funny to hear her stories.... She told me that she grew up drinking from catchment no filters. Went to bottled water and it tasted so nasty that she went back to drinking from her catchment. Funny stuff. I think just in hawaii alone there is enough free information off the net that there is no need to purchase a book. But there are TONS of books already flooding the market. Just check out amazon. Good Luck!
A bit late to the party. I was talking to an old timer at the checkout Hilo Hattie a few years ago, it was funny to hear her stories.... She told me that she grew up drinking from catchment no filters. Went to bottled water and it tasted so nasty that she went back to drinking from her catchment. Funny stuff. I think just in hawaii alone there is enough free information off the net that there is no need to purchase a book. But there are TONS of books already flooding the market. Just check out amazon. Good Luck!