05-24-2011, 01:18 AM
rbakker, keep plugging away. Your techniques are all excellent. I've never tried building the homing device but I've heard it helps. Instead of using the "water soaker" toy, I use a regular 2-gallon sprayer to stream solution up into a tree to get him to relocate.
If a frog is sitting in hard to reach spots like the stem joint of banana leaves, I gig 'em with a homemade pencil-size 3-prong spear. A pistol with a powerful spring would work there too.
I tried this one time and it appeared to have worked. Before nightfall, I saturated long rags with citric solution and tied them around the base of the target tree. Hopefully he chooses something lower like a ti plant. I'm not convinced of its effectiveness. Maybe others can try it and report.
Your comment is very important. Other frogs nearby on the same bush/tree are females attracted to the male's call. They are 2-3 times as big as the male. I don't know if its a blessing or a curse that the females are the quiet ones.
If a frog is sitting in hard to reach spots like the stem joint of banana leaves, I gig 'em with a homemade pencil-size 3-prong spear. A pistol with a powerful spring would work there too.
I tried this one time and it appeared to have worked. Before nightfall, I saturated long rags with citric solution and tied them around the base of the target tree. Hopefully he chooses something lower like a ti plant. I'm not convinced of its effectiveness. Maybe others can try it and report.
Like you, I get them one-by-one and while I head for the singing males I also keep a good look out for any other frogs nearby. They often return to the same spot
Your comment is very important. Other frogs nearby on the same bush/tree are females attracted to the male's call. They are 2-3 times as big as the male. I don't know if its a blessing or a curse that the females are the quiet ones.