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Aloha from Wyoming
We came on 4 separate house-hunting visits. The more we familiarized ourselves w/subdivisions, the more we knew what was for us, and what wasn't. On all 4 visits, we stayed in vacation rentals (houses). Some in HPP, others in Kapoho and Kehena. I highly advise AT LEAST doing this so you'd know what it's like living day-to-day, picking up your own drinking water, taking your rubbish to the transfer station, going to the grocery store, etc. Most people recommended, as pslamont does here, that we rent for a while, but we took the plunge (with the container and all our belongings en route) and bought, and we're glad we did.

Luckily, for us, we're retired (and semi-retired but self-employed) - A quick check with craigslist and the paper classifieds and you'll see how few jobs are available and get an idea of how crappy they pay. BUT if you're an entrepreneur, you just might find your niche. I ditto pslamont about the need for doctors and dentists.

I do not find the food prices MUCH higher than in San Francisco area, but I don't now how they'd compare with prices in Wyoming. I'm sure you know anything shipped in is expensive (packaged food and frozen food, Haas avocados, etc) BUT, housing prices are very reasonable, as are property taxes, esp. in relation to the area where we came from.

At first, living without air conditioning in 85-degree weather was hard, but now, after 2 yrs, I'm totally acclimated, shiver when I go into an air-conditioned store, and love to sit in the shade. I can't get as much done in the yard, say, as in Calif. (due to the humidity), but hey, time is relative, right? We slow down, we enjoy the breeze, we take a break and have a drink and pet the dog.

Anyway, take a few more practice runs before you dive in. Hope to see you walking around Maku'u market at some point!

Messages In This Thread
Aloha from Wyoming - by April - 06-10-2011, 06:27 AM
RE: Aloha from Wyoming - by pslamont - 06-10-2011, 11:19 AM
RE: Aloha from Wyoming - by DTisme - 06-10-2011, 01:00 PM
RE: Aloha from Wyoming - by getty62 - 06-10-2011, 02:19 PM
RE: Aloha from Wyoming - by EightFingers - 06-13-2011, 03:10 AM
RE: Aloha from Wyoming - by Royall - 06-13-2011, 01:16 PM
RE: Aloha from Wyoming - by taropatch - 06-13-2011, 05:16 PM

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