08-10-2011, 02:39 AM
I think my husband would not have an issue getting a transfer federal job, regardless of what he applied for. So Seeb why do you say that, it doesn't make much sense. We are on the update list with the fedjobs website and he sees things come up occasionally?
As far as dog grooming, yes I love it, but Puna (as far as the grooming places I checked) won't pay enough for the hard work involved. Here I make a really good living at it. It would be hard to make as much as 40% less at it than I do now and still have my cost of living be the same.
And yes, the cost of living in Hawaii is the same or even cheaper for a lot of stuff than I'm used to paying.
Carey, I have no idea "what" I want to do. Sigh. If I had an unlimited amount of time and money, I'd be a vet. I have a ton of parrots and assist my own vet with a variety of jobs (including wildlife). But the sheer number of years involved.... Wow. I am 32 and don't think I want to spend the whole of my 30's and 40's in school. Special ed positions might be more up my alley, that's a great idea I didn't even think of. I'll go look up the quals and what the job entails.
As far as dog grooming, yes I love it, but Puna (as far as the grooming places I checked) won't pay enough for the hard work involved. Here I make a really good living at it. It would be hard to make as much as 40% less at it than I do now and still have my cost of living be the same.
And yes, the cost of living in Hawaii is the same or even cheaper for a lot of stuff than I'm used to paying.
Carey, I have no idea "what" I want to do. Sigh. If I had an unlimited amount of time and money, I'd be a vet. I have a ton of parrots and assist my own vet with a variety of jobs (including wildlife). But the sheer number of years involved.... Wow. I am 32 and don't think I want to spend the whole of my 30's and 40's in school. Special ed positions might be more up my alley, that's a great idea I didn't even think of. I'll go look up the quals and what the job entails.
Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management