08-10-2011, 05:43 AM
Ooh - how about a PARROT boarding service??? Good part about that would be that it would assure you'd be at home with your flock. We had am umbrella cockatoo for years and we'd always leave him with the breeder, who also offered boarding, when we went on vacation.
I hate to see you with an outside the home job and leaving those parrots alone all day. No way would my cockatoo let me leave him for more than a few hours! He'd have a fit!
I hope, btw, you've checked into Hawaii state regs on bringing parrots into the state. I did a lot of research on bringing our baby before the move; ended up for other reasons giving him up, so it ended up moot, but there are lots of Hawaii regs and red tape. My neighbor has a small mixed flock of small parrots and cockatiels. She moved here from Oahu, and they required her to build an aviary AND inspected it before she was allowed to move the birds. I'd never read anything like this in the state literature, so double-check before you come by calling. I'd hate to see a lot of parrots stuck in Honolulu quarantine for who knows how long while aviary is built, etc!
Anyway, parrot boarding something to think about. We paid $25 a day and he got his own roomy cage, was fed fresh food and water twice a day, wass let out once a day to play (aka wreak havoc), and loved loved LOVED going there.
( *< --squawwk!