09-01-2011, 11:09 PM
For aesthetics the community can incoporate what is called a CDO, a community design overlay and place them in "Q" conditions on top of the zone. Another way is an HOZ, an historic overlay zone, which is much more cumbersome. However it worked well in Highland Park when Jack n' box moved in and had to make the building in a craftsman style to match the character in the neighborhood. The town of Claremont in S. Cal. used to not allow any fast food restarants or neon signs. I lived there 10 years ago. I do not know if that has changed.
Originally posted by csgray
There are 3 different issues here: traffic flow and congestion, esthetics of design and construction matching the feel of old Pahoa village, and the desirability of fast food restaurants in general.
The only one of these that currently has laws and governmental rules covering what can and can't be done is traffic flow and congestion. The issue of aesthetics currently has no law behind it, but some companies will voluntarily try to fit in with the local flavor (Longs sort of tried), especially if the community gets involved early in the process.
Regardless of anyone's personal opinion on the desirability of fast food or McDonalds, you only get to vote with your personal wallet. Our constitution does not allow laws that govern what kind of junk people sell, buy, or eat, as long as food safety and handling rules are followed, so if McDonalds wants to build in Pahoa they can. If you want to patronize them you can, if you don't want them here you can vote by not giving them your money.