12-03-2013, 01:21 AM
This Thursday there will be over 100 cities across America who will be striking. This is one of the more important issues we have today, And for our next generation could mean survival. Being that Hawaii has such a high cost of living compared to the rest of the nation. We as a community should also be demanding a higher minimum wage. If not for ourselves , for our children's behalf. As I have pointed out on other threads folks are turning to the welfare forms for several reasons. This strike could lead to the largest wage increase EVER, This wage needs to double from 7.25 AN Hour to $15.00 an hour. This way both parents only have to work 50 hours a week and not the current 100 hour weeks just to get by. I know most of you on this site are pretty well off, as you have moved to Hawaii and bought places. But most who are from here and worked here for the last 25 years have not been able to save much on 7.25 an hour. SO this is very important to many here now, most importantly the next generation can see things may be worth working for instead of welfare and drugs. Let's all rise, write, and speak out this Thursday to support our great nation. STRIKE FOR HIGHER MINIMUM WAGES, WE NEED $15.00 AN HOUR. This should include all of our farmers out there who have not been getting there fair share.