10-29-2011, 02:37 PM
quote:I don't know or care about the last board or president or whatever, that is not my fight. I am talking about the speed bumps which seem to be the preference of a couple people who live on the highway, at the expense of the many more people who live in the neighborhood behind it. I was told it was put to a vote, a vote by who? The current board? Did someone send out a letter to all the residents informing them that speed bumps were up for a vote on the highway? I do not remember getting it. I just want to be left alone, I had no interest in the local politics before, now I do, I am being negatively affected.
Originally posted by ishkabibble
@ afwjam: The 99% did figure it out and we did do something about it. We voted out the BOD last year. We didn't want Watchdog and the DOOM turning HSCA into their WALL STREET that only benifits her 1% of the members. POWER TO THE PEOPLE. NOT JUST 9 BOD.