12-14-2011, 02:21 PM
I work in the HELCO engineering department and could've answered you.
HELCO contracts out the pole restoration to Osmose. Osmose goes to majority of all of the poles and inspects, tags, records information, and treats.
They drill into the pole and insert an anti-termite chemical into the pole. Even tho the poles are treated at the factory, the termites still eat them. Typically Osmose uses Mit-Z fume which is a safe chemical ingredient used to kill termites.
Osmose then tags the pole and logs the information of the location of the pole (GPS coordinates), what type of equipment is on the pole (transformer, how many phase, etc.), gives the pole a unique serial number for tracking purposes, puts a tag on the pole to note what type of treatment (if given).
HELCO contracts out the pole restoration to Osmose. Osmose goes to majority of all of the poles and inspects, tags, records information, and treats.
They drill into the pole and insert an anti-termite chemical into the pole. Even tho the poles are treated at the factory, the termites still eat them. Typically Osmose uses Mit-Z fume which is a safe chemical ingredient used to kill termites.
Osmose then tags the pole and logs the information of the location of the pole (GPS coordinates), what type of equipment is on the pole (transformer, how many phase, etc.), gives the pole a unique serial number for tracking purposes, puts a tag on the pole to note what type of treatment (if given).