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Freeing energy from the Grid- Here's how, Watch
I remember the oil embargo and the lines to get gas, only being eligible for gas on the days your license plate ended with an even or odd number, etc. Since then we've gone from importing 30% of our oil to importing 70% of it. Wrong direction. Since then, Americans have become even more accustomed to just-in-time delivery of goods and services, fast food, and other gimme-it-right-now entitlements. If OPEC shuts off the taps to us (either through an embargo, war, environmental disaster, or something else that creates the same effect) $10-$15 for a gallon of gas will only be one problem in this society where everybody demands stuff NOW. In the 70's a good portion of the population still remembered war rationing and doing without things, sacrificing for a bigger cause. Fast forward to now, and very few of these people are left. When the next big energy hiccup comes (and it WILL come) our economy and society is less able to handle it now than when we were only importing 30% of our energy. Imagine what it's going to be like next time when we're importing 70% of our energy. People will be screaming for bio diesel, practical electric cars, and other technologies that will be 5+ years away. And like last time, the oil exporting countries will make sure the taps start flowing generously again just before the technologies become ready for the market. This is a game that we should be tired of playing after almost 50 years, but here we are... the electric cars we were screaming for 4 years ago are no longer wanted. And won't be until the market dictates it.

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RE: Freeing energy from the Grid- Here's how, Watch - by terracore - 04-25-2012, 11:02 AM

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