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Kids Summer Art Program - Two Weeks
Explore drawing and painting in 10 2-hour classes Mon-Fri July 7-18.
Students use charcoal, graphite, erasers, and additive/subtractive marks on paper.
Then acrylic paints, oil-based pastels, watercolor paint and colored pencils are used to translate the values of black and white drawings into color. Instructor Jacob Medina.
The second week is watercolor abstractions using washes, spatters, lifting, value gradations and dry brush techniques, followed by a soft pastel still life with students working at easels. Instructor Patti Pease Johnson.
Tuition: $215.00 includes all materials. Mon-Fri July 7-18, class 1-3pm.
Limit 8 students, age 9-16. Reserve space by Tuesday, June 24. Call 935-8380.

High Fire Hawaii LLC Gallery & Studio
114 Kamehameha Ave.
Hilo, HI 96720

Ph. (808) 935-8380

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Kids Summer Art Program - Two Weeks - by High Fire Hawaii Gallery - 06-02-2014, 09:25 AM

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