05-09-2012, 04:19 AM
Originally posted by PaulW
Why would they expel him? Because he is effectively torpedoing any chance his Party has of winning the election. He is only acting in his own best interests, much the same as when he went Libertarian and split the vote. Obama must be dancing a jig.
As stated above, the Ron Paul supporters see Romney as being the same as Obama, so they don't care if they wreck the prospects of the person chosen as the candidate by the majority of the Republican voters. They don't care about the Republican party, they don't care about Romney. They only care about the Dear Leader.
The rest of the candidates have pulled out and thrown their support behind Romney because they are being loyal to the party. Sure, they could campaign to the bitter end too, just to hurt Romney's chances and plump their own egos, but they don't because they want Obama out.
So, have you changed your opinion about electoral colleges now that you've been told what the official line is from above?
PS Ron Paul published and sold racist newsletters under his name, that is an undeniable fact.
The Republican party does not have a chance without Dr. Paul, one only need look at the polls to see. Romney does not capture the independents or the conservatives, he will be the weakest GOP candidate ever, Obama will have no problem beating him. The GOP is being remade as we speak, by the end of the convention it will be a Ron Paul Republican party wether Romney is the nominee or not. The Ron Paul supporters have taken control from the bottom up and it is not cheating, in fact it is how the system was designed to work.
I am not spouting the official line, I am spouting the reality. Our country was never designed to be a democracy for good reason. Its in the Constitution, read it. In order to maintain our republic its going to take a dedicated, educated minority, just like the original Revolution. We are under a system of the rule of law, not the rule of people. We are supposed to be united as family first, then as a town, then as a county, then as a state, finally as a Constitutional Republic. The 14th amendment has kind of screwed it up, but we are supposed to be citizens of a State united with others not of the United States.
“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul