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PLDC, PEIS Testimony:9/13 (Kona), 9/14 (Hilo)
16. Smart meters have the potential to track intimate details of our electrical lives. This time-specific utility usage data is permanently stored. Who will control access to this data? How secure is this data? Who owes this data? What will be done with this data?
I have to admit I read through much of the complaint and came across this. It may not be the most ridiculous claim but couldn't help pointing it out as, well, ridiculous.

Intimate details of our electrical lives? What planet are you on?

BTW, it's "these" data.


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RE: PLDC, PEIS Testimony:9/13 (Kona), 9/14 (Hilo) - by TomK - 09-10-2012, 07:56 PM

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