09-25-2012, 11:09 AM
Obie, why do you assume it would raise the cost? And if so, wouldn't the cost be worth it to discourage the use of GMOs? If anything, I think it would tend to lower costs in GMO foods.
Kapoho Cat, I didn't think you were making light, it's a prime example of the Frankenstein crap they pull. Here in Hawaii it would be the Tomatoqui...
It seems to me that people get really upset when the subject of "What they think they know" gets shaken. This applies to every level. Religion, Science, Politics, Food, Shelter, Nature, etc. People want to believe that a tomato is a tomato and that the government wouldn't allow it's people to be poisoned and that there isn't a corporate machine out there slowly (actually, quite rapidly) altering and threatening our entire food supply solely for their own profit and control. In the midst of a personal crisis like that, instead of coming to grips with it right away, we fight the knowledge. We lash out against the information, as well as those sharing the information, instead of taking the heavy steps to come to terms with a gruesome truth, or even the possibility that what we "know" may be false. It's not easy for anyone and it makes sense that many people hold on past a point of reason.
In the Monsanto case, the cat is out of the bag. Too many people know, entire countries are aware and have boycotted. Ranting and raving and calling everyone else crazy seems to relate to that scenario of holding on past the point of reason.
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
Kapoho Cat, I didn't think you were making light, it's a prime example of the Frankenstein crap they pull. Here in Hawaii it would be the Tomatoqui...
It seems to me that people get really upset when the subject of "What they think they know" gets shaken. This applies to every level. Religion, Science, Politics, Food, Shelter, Nature, etc. People want to believe that a tomato is a tomato and that the government wouldn't allow it's people to be poisoned and that there isn't a corporate machine out there slowly (actually, quite rapidly) altering and threatening our entire food supply solely for their own profit and control. In the midst of a personal crisis like that, instead of coming to grips with it right away, we fight the knowledge. We lash out against the information, as well as those sharing the information, instead of taking the heavy steps to come to terms with a gruesome truth, or even the possibility that what we "know" may be false. It's not easy for anyone and it makes sense that many people hold on past a point of reason.
In the Monsanto case, the cat is out of the bag. Too many people know, entire countries are aware and have boycotted. Ranting and raving and calling everyone else crazy seems to relate to that scenario of holding on past the point of reason.
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973