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Wiring & Plumbing: How much does this add?
Actually, you're not allowed to install your own catchment tank either; off the top of my head, permits attach at a depth of 18"...

Seeb has it right: everything should be inspection-based. There are still some places where the unlicensed homeowner can do their own electrical work; if the inspector finds it satisfactory, you get your sticker and the power company connects you.

Counterexample: there's lots of obviously unsafe wiring in downtown Pahoa that's "not to code"... but that's just fine, somehow.

It's often cheaper to go off-grid than to pay the SSPP and buy the poles. Which is fitting, somehow.

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RE: Wiring & Plumbing: How much does this add? - by kalakoa - 10-14-2012, 09:12 AM

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