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Major earthquake off Pacific NW coast
Wow Deborah. Stereotype much?

Don't let a few bad apples spoil the bunch. I think you have to change your prospective's a bit when you come to the Big Island. If you want to live in a private subdivision or no county roads it's safe to say your probably not going to get paved road's, pipped water, mail delivery, High speed internet or to hear sirens blaring warning you of a high wave.

I saw on Oahu they had a small piper that had a siren attached to it and it would fly LOW around the shore line. Maybe that would be an option for (I almost said the state) haha The big island to look into. Make you could have TWO planes that would fly Puna side coast line and the other one could go up hamakua coast line to warn fisherman, divers, boats and people that can't hear a siren. For me I live a few streets from hawaiian beaches park and heard the siren loud and clear ... Probably would have woke me up. It did go off ... Rather late but better than nothing. I find it Ironic that Hawaiian beaches park is a mile out of the zone so why they need to have it sound is beyond me ... My neighbor got all freaked out and started filling 5 gallon jugs of water ... I told him relax it's (at the time) was suppose to be no bigger than 6' wave. We are over 200' above sea level. But still he packed up his **** and left for higher ground. I've been threw this in Waianae about 10 times and I was a lot lower. Probably around 80 or so feet.

People hear sirens and GO CRAZY!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Major earthquake off Pacific NW coast - by dmbwest - 10-27-2012, 05:10 PM
RE: Major earthquake off Pacific NW coast - by dmbwest - 10-27-2012, 05:18 PM
RE: Major earthquake off Pacific NW coast - by dmbwest - 10-27-2012, 05:20 PM
RE: Major earthquake off Pacific NW coast - by dmbwest - 10-27-2012, 05:32 PM
RE: Major earthquake off Pacific NW coast - by dmbwest - 10-27-2012, 05:47 PM
RE: Major earthquake off Pacific NW coast - by dmbwest - 10-27-2012, 06:14 PM
RE: Major earthquake off Pacific NW coast - by dmbwest - 10-29-2012, 09:39 AM
RE: Major earthquake off Pacific NW coast - by dmbwest - 10-30-2012, 11:28 AM
RE: Major earthquake off Pacific NW coast - by dmbwest - 10-30-2012, 11:32 AM
RE: Major earthquake off Pacific NW coast - by ericlp - 10-31-2012, 05:43 AM

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