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Micro hydro electric power generation
Originally posted by kalakoa

Apparently I'm not the only one who's considered catchment-fed micro-hydro -- seems pretty ideal as a supplement to a PV array.

In my particular case, I've got at least 10-15' of drop between the spouts and the back of the property; I haven't penciled out the cost/benefit to see if the pipe is worth it, so it may end up more "science experiment" than "practical source".

In my version, it flows from the catchment tank at the top of the property, makes electricity at the bottom (50ft drop over 500 ft) and is returned to top of the hill providing a constant flow. If only a way to pump it back up and have a substantial net gain.


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RE: Micro hydro electric power generation - by David M - 11-29-2012, 05:01 AM

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