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Time Warner off grid no service for you
Yes I already tried that... Installer said no power from the lines, they can't do it. He wouldn't even do it for a case of beer. It's the policy in hawaii I guess, so that's gotta be a bonus for going green.

These must be new rules but unless your grid tied your not gonna get road runner... I was even thinking maybe suing them but... who would you take to court? Probably this is for HAWAII only as I did a search and nothing comes up on goggle for off grid comcast service. You'd think if this applied to the mainland you'd get a few more hits on google. I wrote a few emails but no reply.

Ah well... Always something new. One more thing to take into consideration for people doing the right thing and getting away from helco and still wanting cable your SOL! Best case would be to share the bill with a neighbor that's on the grid! Smile

Thanks for all your reply's! I'll just hope my neighbor doesn't move! Wink

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RE: Time Warner off grid no service for you - by ericlp - 01-13-2013, 06:22 PM

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