01-24-2013, 09:15 PM
hikatz - although hearsay I was told about someone poisoning dogs very close to where I live and that is now being prosecuted criminally. I know very little about the case so can't say much more than that. And just to be clear, other than my immediate neighbour with the dangerous dog, all of us will not resort to illegal, criminal or cruel acts to get our neighbourhood back to the way it was - a safe place to enjoy your own property and walk in the street without fear of attack. Not in a million years could I deliberately poison a dog no matter how vicious it is. On the other hand I will kill it if it is trying to kill me, a neighbour or some innocent person walking on the street and I have no other choice - the other neighbours feel the same way.
Thanks for the link BTW, I think everyone can see that the laws are far too lenient here when it comes to dangerous dogs. A $25 fine? Wonderful. Don't do it again or we'll get really angry and fine you $50. Maim someone? OK, now we're really upset and will fine you $200 and, oh, by the way, here's your dog back. Have a nice day.
Thanks for the link BTW, I think everyone can see that the laws are far too lenient here when it comes to dangerous dogs. A $25 fine? Wonderful. Don't do it again or we'll get really angry and fine you $50. Maim someone? OK, now we're really upset and will fine you $200 and, oh, by the way, here's your dog back. Have a nice day.