01-26-2013, 06:42 AM
I certainly don't think Tom is at fault and though Tom would never help me, I am trying to help him and the poor abused dog. I am guessing the dog has not bitten anyone yet or it would have been stated, that is a very good sign. It is not the dogs fault either, I don't wish it to be hurt, especially if it has not bitten anyone. Usually after you read "vicious dog attack" as opposed to threat or intimidation as much as in this thread you assume the dog has bitten, I wanted to clarify that. Tom when the dog rears up to bark at you, do you turn around and try and retreat? This would be a usual response and what the dog is hoping for in this game. If you feel comfortable, again most likely depending on if the dogs teeth have ever made contact with anyone; next time the dog comes to attack you, face it straight on standing as tall as you can looking over him, not making eye contact and use the airhorn or a very loud stern "no" or "go home". Keep the cricket bat between you and the dog, blocking is the most effective training technique. Hopefully the dog will show some signs of retreat or submission, if this does not work and he goes to bite you need to immediately hit him on the back of the neck, not the head, the neck. If the dog shows signs of retreat or submission at a forceful verbal warning there is hope for the dog and by association you and your neighbors. This is probably to much for you to take on yourself as I am guessing you are not a large dog person, if this is the case let me know, I will come down and meet this dog myself. Its important to realize this dog learned the behavior and it is most likely being reenforced by yours and your neighbors reactions. This is the owners fault not the dogs, it would be best if the owner helped you be friends with the dog. Im sure your relationship has soured past this point from what I have read. Leashing it is a temporary solution if the owner would do it, but it wont retrain the dog, and the owner does not sound like they care.
If I owned that dog it would be both off the leash and not attacking anyone. Im sorry you have to deal with this Tom, but I feel much more sorry for the dog who will end up paying the ultimate price. The dog just wants somebody to be in charge and love him since no one seems to be.
If you follow my advice, do so at your own risk taking responsibility for yourself, I don't need to be sued by someone who can't.
I will most likely come over and try and meet this dog myself anyways, as I doubt he has anybody willing to advocate for him. I will film it on the GoPro so you can see what happens when somebody try's to care and love for the dog. Maybe I will be attacked viciously and torn limb from limb bleeding to death in front of Toms house.
“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul
If I owned that dog it would be both off the leash and not attacking anyone. Im sorry you have to deal with this Tom, but I feel much more sorry for the dog who will end up paying the ultimate price. The dog just wants somebody to be in charge and love him since no one seems to be.
If you follow my advice, do so at your own risk taking responsibility for yourself, I don't need to be sued by someone who can't.
I will most likely come over and try and meet this dog myself anyways, as I doubt he has anybody willing to advocate for him. I will film it on the GoPro so you can see what happens when somebody try's to care and love for the dog. Maybe I will be attacked viciously and torn limb from limb bleeding to death in front of Toms house.
“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul