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Looking for someone to move 20' container

I would do it again if I had a sufficiently good reason to move the container, but then again I am a huge cheapskate. My definition of a good enough reason is also colored by the memory of how arduous the job was. Also it is essential to have the right tools. I was given the 9" wide steel channels that were each 16' long. They were old and very rusty and probably not much use for anything else. They would have cost hundreds of dollars new though. Same with the 1 1/4" hawser. The chain hoist I borrowed. It was in a different class from the come-a-longs you might buy at home depot. The 16' 4x10s were $75 each. Add it all up and it would be a better deal to hire a forklift.

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RE: Looking for someone to move 20' container - by MarkP - 03-25-2013, 04:29 AM

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