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Anyone in volcano see the guava infected yet?
I attended Tracy's lecture on the latest news, last month at forestry. Selected plants have been infected and are being monitored and data is being collected. By hand, the organism was placed leaf by leaf. The tree's leaves get galled and the fruiting process is "stunted" or slowed down. No it doesn't affect commercial guava. Someone in the audience asked if there will be a "galled plant giveaway day" so we can go infect strawberry guava on our own property. Don't remember the answer but I do remember all the laughter. We were also told you can't snip a branch off and try to infect your own area as the slow-growing larva requires a living plant.

Elimination of strawberry guava will still require the D-9, chainsaw, machete and trichlopyr. The purpose of the gall is to slow the invasive spread of the plant as it does not kill the tree.

Here's one of Tracy's introductory videos.

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RE: Anyone in volcano see the guava infected yet? - by taropatch - 05-28-2013, 02:42 PM

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