06-03-2013, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by peteadams
Socialist this, socialist that. Name-calling is hardly useful, along with less than useful blanket assertions about government screwing up anything it touches.
Our direct experience for nearly 20 years with the Cowlitz Public Utility District in southwest Washington State (http://www.cowlitzpud.org) gives the lie to your blanket assertions. We found them an active and progressive organization that not only provided excellent service and fast repairs, but had an excellent vision of both conservation and improving their infrastructure. Our rate paying went directly to covering actual costs of service and improvements. We were never were concerned about our money filling some CEO's oversized pockets or spending on dividends instead of service.
In addition, the PUD purchases power from the Bonneville Power Administration, another government entity well known for the reliability of its service. My father-in-law, who worked for the private Spokane water power company for most of his career also had a very jaundiced view of public power supply, even though he was a strong union man. Probably listened to a lot of company propaganda. However, when the they retired to Wenatchee, Washington, which also has a PUD (and power from Bonneville) supplying the county, and they experienced the low rates (compared to Spokane) and great service in setting up their retirement home, he changed his tune very quickly and became a great proponent of PUDs.
So if we get to set up a PUD-like structure to supply electricity on Hawai'i Island, I'm all for it.
Do you deny that this is a socialist idea? I call 'em like I see 'em and if "name calling" offends you, perhaps the truth does as well.
As far as the government, show me ONE program, activity, department, etc... other than what is mandated by the Constitution, that is run efficiently and actually benefits the PEOPLE. Still think I'm lying or do you want to continue to bury your head in the sand?
It amazes me how people try to force square pegs into round holes when it comes to comparisons with Hawaii and the US Mainland. What works in Washington State, may not work in Hawaii simply because of this little thing called the Pacific Ocean. Hawaii has an entirely different set of challenges than any of the other States in the Union so I'd re-think your delusional dreams about applying mainland successes to this State.