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PGV Community Meeting - Fri 3/6/15
Had this forwarded to me from someone in the loop - it's from Mike Kaleikini at PGV.
6 pm – 8 pm
Friday, March 6, 2015
Pahoa Community Center

Aloha mai kakou,
As a follow up with our current drilling project at KS-16, PGV will be hosting a Drilling update at our next Community Meeting. Please share this invitation to all who may be interested.

Currently PGV has completed the first phase of drilling and is making preparations for starting the next drilling phase. More information will be shared at the upcoming Community Meeting.

If you have any questions beforehand, please send them to me before the meeting, if you can.

Mahalo for everyone’s interest in Puna Geothermal Venture.

A hui hou, Mike.

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PGV Community Meeting - Fri 3/6/15 - by ironyak - 03-04-2015, 11:04 AM

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