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Hele On Bus $2.00 one way starts next week
Originally posted by ericlp

If Oahu can manage to have busses come every 15-20 minutes for 2.50 a ride... Hell, if the bus service could do half hour runs than I'd gladly pay 3 bucks. It's just, the service sucks bad for what you get. And what you get should remain free until they prove otherwise.

There's a simple reason this doesn't work: DENSITY.

I've lived in a few places; public transit just does not work well in low-density sprawl, no matter how often the bus or how cheap the fare.

Actual example: I worked somewhere ten miles from the house; 20 minutes by car, 30 minutes bicycle ride, but the bus took over two hours.

I dare say if we're having sprawl anyway, we should decentralize things so people don't have to spend their lives sitting in cars/the bus/etc.

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RE: Hele On Bus $2.00 one way starts next week - by kalakoa - 07-01-2013, 03:05 AM

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