07-12-2013, 03:39 PM
Eventually, I'd expect the sides of your pile will be difficult to maintain unless you use hand tools. We've stacked concrete blocks three layers high in a rectangle shape that's about twelve feet long and about four feet wide. The middle was filled in with some topsoil that was being cleared off a lot and was given to us. Cinders and soil would work well, too. Putting a metal pipe or chunk of rebar down the holes in the concrete blocks and filling the holes with rocks does a lot to keep the blocks in place. One raised bed planter has a papaya growing in it, the rest are all vegetables. They are extremely easy to care for, easy to pick the vegetables, especially the short ones that you'd usually have to bend over to pick. It's also easy to keep them neat and tidy since they can be mowed or trimmed with a string trimmer.
"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales."
Kurt Wilson
Kurt Wilson
Kurt Wilson