07-25-2013, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by Carey
Gee Cat, you're with Sun on his post that I'm OLD??? (just punning with you....as I AM old!)
Although I do know there are lobbyist on island & even may be in Puna, I really do doubt that most of the Hawaii Island lobbyists are in Puna & on Punaweb... & Sun was starting to ask if anyone that disagreed with Sun, including Rob & myself, were lobbyists...as if that is the worst thing I have ever been called....NOT!....'course nor is calling me old.... many days I FEEL older 'n dirt...
Sun, Please look at a a few more of the posts by people like Kapohocat, Rob, (heck even me) & you will see that we are not all for big city stuff... but if you do decide to move here & do things that are not within code, or do anything else, THAT IS YOUR CHOICE, but there may be more work & a lot more cost correcting anything that is done in violation,...if your choice is not fine with YOUR neighbor...
I have always advise that if you do decide not to build to code, make sure that you know your neighbor (helps if the neighbor is indebted to you)...as they are probably the only ones that would care to report you... the building dept has not shown that, right now, it is looking for violations, but if they are reported, they will pursue violations...
Thanks for the advice, if you believe that codes exist to make you safer I can't change your belief. I have been a builder for 31 years so I don't think I will have difficulty building anything. Many tradesmen that I have had to work around have done work that homeowners would do better themselves had they read books and figured it out for themselves. I thought we have constitutional rights in this country? Now you can't even build your own home? Try to stop me.
Sure neighbors can be problematic and they may have chickens/animals etc. but with all of my charms and wit (see past posts haha) I can win anyone over eventually. If you build a tiny single wall home you can always add the electrical and plumbing later because the walls are open. People shouldn't be forced into borrowing from bankers and paying for the rest of their lives...there is much more to life than working to pay interest to these parasites.
I don't think it wise to build a large expensive house at the foot of the biggest volcano in the world anyway. A tiny house with covered outdoor living area is much less expensive. Who knows where the next flow will go? I prefer to keep it tiny in footprint and eco-impact.
What is wrong with that?