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why do the police here have such fancy rides?
The above few comments speak directly to the insanity this issue consistently brings to the table of logic. On one hand we have a male chauvinistic pig commenting on the weight of a female officer - which - to this subject matter - is totally irrelevant. Then on the other hand, we have a poster who clearly must be a Police Officer discussing mandatory MOPEDS as well as proposing ONE single taxpayer foot the bill to buy a fleet of Police cars for each and every member of the force.

As for potentially leaving here and moving to a another location where the obvious Police Officer above claims you may get shot, how soon we forget about Hawaii County's Officer of the Year John Webber, who violated so many rules, he was not only forced to leave, but forced into an undisclosed location unable to be subpoenaed for any case he was the arresting officer of.

And let's not forget the ones who beat up a well known Blogger for taking pictures and videos. Not only are they "no longer on the force" but the County had to belly up and pay out damages in that one!

When the blinders of ignorance, the shackles of greed can come off and the purity of common sense can prevail, then and only then can we get somewhere.

As for any Police Officer who thinks they may be getting screwed over by a County Owned Fleet potential, let me tell you, New York City is hiring!


Messages In This Thread
RE: why do the police here have such fancy rides? - by Guest - 09-17-2013, 01:46 PM
RE: why do the police here have such fancy rides? - by Guest - 09-19-2013, 07:58 AM
RE: why do the police here have such fancy rides? - by Guest - 09-19-2013, 08:58 AM

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