10-21-2013, 03:45 PM
Some of the Knee Jerking things I through up on this post seem a little more plausible after the pesticide article in the paper today. If people are being affected by the agricultural practices, certainly a very sensitive tree like our rain making OHIA Could be affected by the higher levels of pesticides? Google maps of lower puna clearly shows how much land is being farmed right now. Glance behind Green mountain, or behind Geothermal, Across from Poihiki, Even all the way up Opi'ikoa. Anyway we all get most of our winds off this coast up the pali then over the mountain. The burn is heavy right now down on the coast of Kapoho too? Probably not the problem, but let's keep an Open mind when it comes to pesticides with GLYPHOSATE in it. Papaya is 20 cents a pound, to some this may not be worth the future health problems? Peace out. P.S very sad dying land and oceans are all around us, Fish kills, and staph are on the rise.