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Big Island *takes first step* in banning GMO's
Finally it looks like a great debate. Both Steve and Richard have brought up many good points that seem very real, and factual on both sides. Thank you both. So maybe this area of Puna should be looked at better than just the poorest county in Hawaii with the rubba slippah folks?. See in the states there has been a boom for Indian casino's. On the first Monday of the month there is a line out the door of these casino's, of Indian residences who are there to collect there CHECKS. In Alaska at the end of every year all state residences of Alaska get a check of say $800- to sometimes $2,000. This is for the large oil pipeline And oil that comes from THERE state. If some of the things Ha say's are true? Then maybe it's time for the current geothermal plant to cough up a little towards say a new school for the future kieki. Maybe any future plant's who would like to tap into Puna's wealth of power should have built in community benefit packages?. Now in no way is any money going to replace the health impacts that may be caused from these plants. We can only hope to give people more information and more choices in the future about geothermal procedures and where these rubbah slippah folks want to live. Right now there are A lot of people who are basically stuck. They don't have enough money to sell out cheap and move where? The county promises to relocate or buy out folks within a mile of Geothermal yet with 30 home owners on this 8 year old list only 1 has been relocated. The current plant was probably built to close to subdivisions like lielani? The state and geothermal knew this 25 years ago and aloud this to happen. Well what's done is done, The future is what is so important now. Puna is sitting on a wealth of power or money depending on how you view oil or electricity. I believe the poor and broken people of puna should be taken care of as well as there future Kieki. Some day we should all be able to afford Tennis shoes and choices to walk away from here if we wish. Helco, Dlnr, Hawaiian affiliation's, geothermal, county, and state and governments should feel shame and be held accountable for past and future of Puna's People. I remember talking story one day with Alani down at the warm pond in Poihiki 30 year's ago.? We were first niebor's talking about the future of red road, The story was a nice golf course with swimming pools, baseball fields, Jobs, tourism, ect... What happened? some burial grounds were found we heard? So now we must Industrialize Poihiki with more geothermals, Gmo fields?. We now get a thousand people a weekend swimming in Kapoho with no place to go # 2 ( harry Kim's ). My kid's are forced off the cliff's to catch fish they can eat now. As you can see, it is hard to live and watch what the state is doing to our homelands. Alani is no longer with us but his legacy will be for ever. Alani once lived in that small house at the warm pond, And he wore rubbah slippah's. Just my 2 cents on this issue sorry for the length of negatives, I now have to take my kids to the same classrooms I went to 30 year's ago.

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RE: Big Island *takes first step* in banning GMO's - by Guest - 10-24-2013, 03:38 AM
RE: Big Island *takes first step* in banning GMO's - by Guest - 10-26-2013, 08:51 AM
RE: Big Island *takes first step* in banning GMO's - by Guest - 10-30-2013, 07:52 AM
RE: Big Island *takes first step* in banning GMO's - by Guest - 11-04-2013, 03:42 AM
RE: Big Island *takes first step* in banning GMO's - by Guest - 11-09-2013, 05:03 PM
RE: Big Island *takes first step* in banning GMO's - by Guest - 11-12-2013, 07:25 AM
RE: Big Island *takes first step* in banning GMO's - by Guest - 11-17-2013, 01:09 PM
RE: Big Island *takes first step* in banning GMO's - by Guest - 11-18-2013, 05:03 AM
RE: Big Island *takes first step* in banning GMO's - by Guest - 11-18-2013, 07:22 AM
RE: Big Island *takes first step* in banning GMO's - by Guest - 11-19-2013, 09:10 AM
RE: Big Island *takes first step* in banning GMO's - by Guest - 11-25-2013, 12:42 AM
RE: Big Island *takes first step* in banning GMO's - by Guest - 11-25-2013, 02:19 AM
RE: Big Island *takes first step* in banning GMO's - by Guest - 11-25-2013, 06:16 AM

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