11-05-2013, 10:37 AM
There have been death threats to Kau'ai's Mayor Carvalho. This anti-GMO fervor is getting out of hand! The director of the Genetic Literacy Project visited Kau'ai to discuss the anti-GMO bill and reported back:
I truly hope that we on the Big Island are better than that.
Although some may believe that suggesting [witch trial and other] parallels with the fringe elements of the anti-GMO movement in Kaua’i is strained, I would push back. I faced a barrage of over-the-top anger when I visited the islands for a week in August in an attempt to engage islanders in rational, fact-based discussions about the issues. I saw no Aloha when it came to discussing GMOs—and all of the finger pointing and hysteria came from one side and one side only: those who believed, with religious-like fervor, that GMOs posed an imminent health and safety danger to them and their children. The scientific consensus clearly contradicts those hysterical claims, as heartfelt as they may be.
I truly hope that we on the Big Island are better than that.