12-02-2013, 03:37 PM
Lets say that this current flow continues this way for say the next 5 years?. Looking at all the lava that came down kalapana the last 5 years, makes me wonder about the next 5 years at this direction its on now. Maybe someone can help answer a few questions I have?. With all the lava up at the summit right now, could that be effecting the lava out put at pu'o?. Are these two vents working together on one volcano?. If so, this eruption looks to only be getting started the last 30 years or so?. How long have past eruptions lasted on the east rift zone, any thing like this before 83?. With so much more new coastline and added land mass, also makes me curious how the island will react to the next Big earthquake?. Some of these mountain slopes look like they have had large land slides in the past?. Anyone know how much lava approximately is under Kilauea at any given time? Or if this amount is lessoning or growing?.