12-09-2013, 05:39 AM
Just my 2 cents about this issue here. If a few more crooks get shot here that would still be an in justice. See these crooks have mothers and fathers, they even have kids themselves that get left behind. Most crooks in these parts are not stealing to get rich, there stealing to feed their kids or their drug habits. Help and alternatives are what these crooks today and tomorrow need more of. For those who think a gun is their savior I feel sorry for. Even if you get the chance you are so looking forward to, and shoot and kill this father or son and daughter Stealing. Now you will have to live with your self and your reasonings of justice that you served. Maybe I myself am more the type that believes in an eye for an eye rule. Someone who steals my BBQ or T.V may have done me more good than bad?. Myself shooting this person after the education he just gave me does not seem fair. Yes these people need to be held accountable for their actions but to take both eyes and change the lives of so many young and old connected to these thugs, NAH. So thank you again OP, You did handle the situation better than most. May you get some peace the rest of these holidays. JMO.