12-09-2013, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by Russell
Wow, it is so strange to be attacked for contributing to the discussion. Snark much?
Terracore - If ever I'm asking someone to sing my praises, I'll make the request clearly, and I surely won't ask you. Try addressing the actual points raised - no one else is hearing the voices in your head.
For those who oppose a wage increase, let's carry your logic to its conclusion - abolish the minimum wage or make it 50c/ hour. Is that the society you desire? Shall we move toward China's labor policies? Or shall we be our brother's keeper, and care about the least among us?
Since you didn't address the points I raised I must assume they are correct, the real reason you support raising the minimum wage is to drive out your competitors who could never afford it. It's a smart business decision, but the fact that you are introducing legislation to raise the minimum wage to drive your competitors out of business is an immoral use of the legislative process. That is not the voices in my head talking. You are using the same tactics Monsanto uses.
I'm not against a minimum wage by any means. As I've stated I've been a minimum wage earner and as an employer I always paid above the minimum wage. What I am against is an unrealistic expectation that every job pay a "living" wage. Not everybody needs to live off the money the jobs pay, therefore they don't have to be living wages. Considering that costs vary so much, I think the individual states should decide what is best for them rather than it being another federal mandate.