12-13-2013, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by Cagary
Originally posted by Derrick Barnicoat
Support your local businesses please. If we all supported each other we wouldn't have to resort to the big box economic structure which sucks the life blood out of communities. The big box perpetuates keeping the class structure intact, poor stay poor, rich stay rich. If you support a brighter future you would not give your money to these businesses. They are not to be trusted. They do not have the betterment of humanity and our earth in mind. In fact, they have the opposite in mind. Their priority is profit.
Just not true. I know a guy that stated out at one of the big boxes here collecting carts out in the parking lot while he was going to school. He kept moving up to better and better positions and now he's in management. He might not be getting rich, but he supports his family.
Let's hope their priority is profit. Without it the business would fail and the 100's of bread winners that depend on the big boxes for employment would be out of a job, but I guess they would be better off on welfare anyway.
And you are saying that local businesses don't care about profit?
-Veritas odium parit”(Terence 195–159 BC))-"Truth begets hatred".
Cagary you bring up a very good point. People throw around the "buy local" mantra even if all the profits are kept only by a local family, while they simultaneously reject big corporate stores that anybody can own stock in. Anybody who takes part in an employer sponsored retirement program whether its a pension or even just owning shares in a diversified mutual fund owns stock in a big box corporate store regardless of whether or not they are aware of it. There are more shareholder "local owners" of corporate stores than there are owners of local stores.